Formative Assessment
Formative assessment is actively practised in classrooms at Long Bay Primary School. Learning intentions and success criteria are shared so that students know what they are learning and why. Students are encouraged to discuss their learning with others.
Progressions in reading, writing and maths are displayed in classrooms so that students know what level they are working at and what their next learning steps will be. The emphasis is on students receiving high quality feedback and feed forward information that helps them to better understand their own learning needs and strengths and to set goals for continuous improvement. This information is sometimes written, but it is also often verbal – encouraging students to engage in active and meaningful ‘learning conversations’ with their peers and their teachers.
Reporting Student Progress
A six week report is written for each new entrant child after his/her first six weeks at Long Bay Primary. The report comments on each student’s progress in settling in to school routines and sets initial learning goals for reading, writing and mathematics.
Goal setting conferences take place mid term one, once the students have settled into school. Students are encouraged to attend the conference alongside their parents/whanau.
Each student will receive an annual mid year and end of year progress report.
Learning Conferences for parents/whanau to attend with their child take place mid term two, after the mid year progress report.
The end of year report is a summative report on his/her progress to date against school wide and curriculum level expectations. The report is also used formatively as a basis for future goal setting.