LBP Newsletter – Term 3, Week 7

Long Bay Primary
School Newsletter

Term 3, Week 7 – Friday 6 September 2024

Principal’s Chat

Kia ora Parents/Caregivers

As teachers we spend a lot of time encouraging our students to try new things, step out of their comfort zones and to take risks with their learning. I have lost count of the number of times I have said when you get something wrong you learn a lot more so the next time you get it right, just have a go.

It is easy to say what to do, much harder to do what you say.

Two weeks ago (days before the PTA Quiz Night) we were lacking anyone to run the actual quiz and an auctioneer to auction off a range of awesome prizes that had been donated. Nikki Wilson and Claire Walls stepped into the breach, spent a long 72 hours preparing a range of great questions and then pulled off an awesome event. They had never run a quiz like this before, and you would never have known. They were great and made the evening something special.

At the same time I went to youTube to find out how to run an auction. I practised how to say numbers with quirky sayings really quickly. It was fun, and copying a guy on the screen proved to be easier than I thought. I wrote out a few ideas and felt I would have a go and see what happened.

As that hall filled up and the clock ticked towards auction time, my confidence drained away. There was a considerably large knot in my stomach and I knew how it felt when we asked our students to do something they are not sure about – get out there and have a go we say, it is not that bad we say. FYI – it is that bad.

It turns out taking risks is fun – I gave up my fancy talking like an auctioneer planning and just went for it. It worked and I knew just how it feels to learn how to do something and take a risk. It wasn’t perfect by any means, and I forgot a few times who had made a bid and for how much, luckily the crowd were compassionate and we pulled it off.

Looking back on this experience I am even more convinced that taking a risk and having a go is an invaluable skill everyone should try. You learn by making mistakes and doing things differently the next time. I also learnt a couple of valuable lessons: people are kind and it is easy to auction off a ride to school on a fire engine, everyone wants that for their children.

I won’t be changing my career anytime soon……

Rob Hutton

2024 Term Dates and What’s On

7 September

Music Concerts in the hall for Carolyn and Nick’s music students

9 September

Rooms 20 and 22 trip to Waitakere Transfer Station

10 September

Sports teams and Groups photos in the hall

12 September

Cohort Entry Visit 1

13 September

Fun Run (rain save day 17 September)

16 September

Rooms 26 and 27 trip to Waitakere Transfer Station

17 September

Cohort Entry Visit 2

Key Dates for Term 3 can be found here.

Welcome New Students

A warm welcome to our new students who have started at Long Bay Primary since our last newsletter:

Damian and Nicole

Important School Reminders – Please Read

Collecting Children During Whole School Assembly
We are noticing an increasing number of students being collected early from school on Friday afternoons. Please note there are whole school assemblies fortnightly on Fridays and this makes it difficult trying to locate your child/children if they are leaving school early. Your child/children should either be collected at 2.00pm straight after lunch or please wait until the assembly has concluded at around 2.45pm. Your co-operation is appreciated.

Adventure Playground Before and After School
A reminder that students must be actively supervised by an adult at all times when playing on the playground before and after school. We do not have the staff to supervise this space at these times.

Absences and Lateness
If your child/children is going to be late or absent from school, then you must let the Office and class teacher know.

Absences/lateness can be reported by calling the school on 09 473 6077, select option 1. Emailing the class teacher and or through the school website ‘Report an Absence’.

All absences from school must have a reason so your child/children can be coded accordingly on their student record. Thank you for your co-operation.

Contact Details
If your personal contact or emergency contact details need updating, please email It is very important that we have correct details on our student records.

Food Brought to School
Please do not bring food to school to share with others for special occasions like birthdays. With the number of food allergies within our school community this is not a safe practice for some of our students. A reminder we are a nut free school.

Wrapper Free School

Lost Property
Please check the Lost Property box, located at the hall entrance, for any missing items. The box will be emptied at the end of every term.

2025 Enrolment Information

Do you have a child turning 5 at the end of this year or in 2025?

If your child will be attending Long Bay Primary in 2025 we would like to know! This helps to plan ahead for future growth, employ teachers and form classes.
Please pre enrol now by following this link:

Sports Teams and Groups Photos – Tuesday 10 September

The photographer will be onsite on Tuesday 10 September to take sports teams and groups photos in the hall. Below is a copy of the run sheet and times.

Kahui Ako Cultural Celebration – Thursday 5 September

Our Pasifika group and Lion Dance performers represented us with pride at Sherwood School yesterday at our Kahui Ako Cultural Celebration. They were brilliant performers, enjoyed themselves and brought the house down. A massive thank you to all of the parents who helped our students enjoy their time on the stage, they really could not have done it without your hard work and skills. Special thanks also to Alison Lin and Lisa Leggett who brought our groups together, gave their time and energy, and no doubt returned to school with the same feeling I did – elated that our students felt success, did their best and stepped out of their comfort zones to do something new.

Music Concerts – Saturday 7 September

All students of Mrs Thompson and Mr Morgan are performing in music concerts this Saturday:
Juniors (Years 0-5) at 3.30pm
Seniors (Years 5* and above) at 6.30pm
*Some of our Year 5 students are performing at the senior concert only.
We’d love to have your support in the audience to cheer the students on. Any questions, please call Mrs Thompson on 0211739305.

The PTA will be selling snacks and drinks before each concert tomorrow. Cash sales for those wishing to purchase.

Wooly Nightshade – Restore Hibiscus and Bays

Please help Restore Hibiscus and Bays and our local environment by removing any wooly Nightshade you might see on your proerrty and report any on public land to Auckland Council. You can watch our informative (and brief) video by clicking here to see exactly what this pest plant looks like.


Please do not park on yellow lines or in marked cycle lanes. Along with Long Bay College we are working with Auckland Transport to ensure these areas are clear to allow traffic to flow more freely. If you choose to park in the wrong space it is highly likely you will receive a ticket or have your car towed away. We have taken these steps because we are highly concerned about the safety of our students.

Sports Buzz – Term 3, Week 7

Touch Rugby
Touch Rugby is still available through Kindo. We are looking for players across all age groups, but especially in Years 1-4. Please make sure you register your child as soon as possible if they are interested in trying this fantastic sport.

Auckland Kids Marathon
We are well underway on our quest to run a marathon – bring on Sunday 3 November, we will be ready!

Sustainability Challenge 2024
On Friday 15 November the Sustainability Challenge 2024 will be held at Wenderholm Regional Park. Each race is for teams of four Year 5 & 6 students who will compete in a two hour event, which includes a mix of running/walking, navigation and sustainability based activities. Teams navigate to as many checkpoints as they can, collecting points for each checkpoint visited.

This event aims to help students:

  • Foster a sense of kaitiakitanga for our Auckland regional parks, raise awareness of how special they are, the threats posed to them and how students can make a difference by taking positive action for the environment.
  • Work together as a team
  • Enjoy and value the ecological sustainability of our regional parks.

At this point we are looking for students who are interested in participating to form four person teams. EACH 4 PERSON TEAM WILL NEED AN ADULT TO SHADOW THE TEAM. We cannot enter teams without an adult nominated to shadow that team. 

Please email Nikki Douglas – if you would like to register your child’s interest. Please include who they would like in their team, and who will be the designated adult for the team.

Yummy School Stickers
Earn FREE sports gear for the school by collecting Yummy Stickers – sheets are available from the Office. Collect your stickers, add them to the sheet and happy munching! Sticker sheets need to be submitted before the end of Term 3.


LBP Fun Run – Online Fundraiser

The Fun Run is back! There will be mud, there will be colour! Friday 13 September. Please click on this link for further information on the Fun Run and how to set up a fundraising page.
To watch the latest YouTube video from our Principals on the Fun Run please click here!

Parent Help Needed
Friday 13 September – please help us supply the kids with hot chocolates, sausage sizzle and support on them on the field for the school Fun Run!
Sign up to parent help at the link below:!/showSignUp/10C084CA4AF2EA7FCC25-51009664-funrun

A huge thank you to Nestlé for the Milo, New World Long Bay for the bread and milk and Hellers for the sausages.

PTA News

Quiz Night Update
A massive thank you to everyone who sponsored, attended and organised our school quiz night. With the generosity and support of our amazing community we raised over $8500 towards the weather shelter, paths and school camps. 

LBP Festival of the Arts – 21 November

On Thursday 21 November at 5.00-7.00pm Long Bay Primary will be transformed into a Festival of Art and Culture. 

Classrooms will be transformed into art galleries showcasing the art and work your children have been working on. You will have the chance to wander through all the classes of the school to see what other parts of the school have been working on.

We will have our cultural groups and some of our talented musicians perform for you. Come and watch our Kapa Haka, Pasifika and our Lion Dance groups in action.

We will have food to buy so you can have your dinner at school. Try one of our community’s exciting foods or maybe just a slice of pizza and a sausage in bread.

What can you do to help?

Can you run a food stall selling the food of your culture? It could be curry, dumplings, noodles, sapa sui, boerewors rolls, milk tart, lasagna, pretzels or anything else that you would like to do. We will fund the ingredients.   

Our wonderful PTA will be running a cake stall. We would love to have home baking donated to the school to sell.

Can you support the PTA selling sausages and pizza slices?

If you can help our community out or have any questions regarding the Festival, please email

Kelly Club Notices

Please email Kelly Club at to register and/or make a booking.

Community Notices and Events

Come along for an epic LEGO® holiday programme where your creativity is your superpower! With hands-on Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts and Maths anything is possible! Learn robotics, and coding, conduct science experiments and exciting master builder challenges! It’s the perfect way for your children aged 5 – 12 to spend their school holidays!

NetSafe Webinar Webinar – September 2024

With school holidays right around the corner, it’s a great time to consider how you can support your children to maintain a healthy balance between their online and offline time. Netsafe is here to support you with a free presentation for parents focused on Wellbeing & Balance. 

This presentation is designed for parents of both tamariki and rangatahi. The Netsafe Education team will share practical tips, tools, and advice on managing screen time, supporting your child’s online wellbeing and what to do if your child encounters online harm.

You can register for this free webinar by following this link:

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