LBP Newsletter – Term 3, Week 5

Long Bay Primary
School Newsletter

Term 3, Week 5 – Thursday 22 August 2024

Principal’s Chat

Kia ora Parents/Caregivers

I may have mentioned before that my music career peaked in Form 2 when I was able to play most of Ode to Joy on the recorder. I have to say while my time has well and truly passed there is a group of Long Bay Primary students whose time as musical stars is just beginning.

I had the pleasure on Wednesday night of being at Bandquest, held at the Bruce Mason Centre, when the Long Bay City Trollers hit the stage. Dylan B (drums), Dylan C (bass), Oliver W (guitar), Oscar (guitar), Devon (vocals) and Carlien (vocals and cow bell) were amazing. After their debut performance to the school earlier this week they rocked the stage to such an extent that we picked up two awards. Specialist instrument (the cow bell) and overall third place out of 15. This secured us $100 worth of products from the main sponsors Rockshop. Naturally the students were ecstatic just to perform, then picking up prizes was the icing on the cake.

Of course this would not have been possible without the efforts of Jon “we will rock you” Pickford and Nick “Woodstock” Morgan who had the vision and brought the band together to produce the look and sound that they did. Thanks also must be offered to the parents of this group. Early Thursday morning drop offs to ensure that practise went well and hours of listening to part of the overall sound at home. Without all of these pieces of the puzzle this group of students would not have had the experience they did.

Thanks also to all of the parents who attended our Student Led Conferences with their children last week. The feedback we have received from all quarters has been overwhelmingly positive. It was great to see our students taking charge of their learning, strutting their stuff and being able to articulate what they are doing at school as well as why. It is this sort of event that makes working in a school worth it.

Be it the parents carrying musical instruments, coming to school and helping their children shine, or being supportive on the side of the sports field or court there is no doubt you are an integral part of what we do here at Long Bay Primary and long may that continue.

One final plea to anyone who is parking on yellow lines in and around Long Bay Primary or Long Bay College. Even if it is for a couple of seconds, it is dangerous, the yellow lines are there for a reason and Auckland Transport are now actively ticketing all vehicles parked illegally. For the safety of our students and in the words of the Long Bay City Trollers – we are not going to take it anymore.

Rob Hutton

2024 Term Dates and What’s On

26 August

Cohort Entry Mid Term

26 August

Kauri team Rangitoto Island trip

28 August

Northcross Intermediate Parent Information Evening

29 August

Kapa Haka attending the Best Start Long Bay Daycare Open Day

30 August

Rimu team Auckland Museum trip

30 August

Daffodil Day

2 September

Totara team Rangitoto Island trip

2 September

Rooms 18 and 19 Waitakere Transfer Station trip

2 September

Board of Trustees Meeting, 6.30pm in the staffroom

7 September

Music Concert in the hall for Carolyn and Nick’s music students

Key Dates for Term 3 can be found here.

Welcome New Students

A warm welcome to our new students who have started at Long Bay Primary since our last newsletter:

Jenny, Jenna, Jose, Andy and Emily

Important School Reminders – Please Read

Adventure Playground Before and After School

A reminder that students must be actively supervised by an adult at all times when playing on the playground before and after school. We do not have the staff to supervise this space at these times.

Absences and Lateness

If your child/children is going to be late or absent from school, then you must let the Office and class teacher know.

Absences/lateness can be reported by calling the school on 09 473 6077, select option 1. Emailing the class teacher and or through the school website ‘Report an Absence’.

All absences from school must have a reason so your child/children can be coded accordingly on their student record. Thank you for your co-operation.

Contact Details

If your personal contact or emergency contact details need updating, please email It is very important that we have correct details on our student records.

Wrapper Free School

Lost Property
Please check the Lost Property box, located at the hall entrance, for any missing items. The box will be emptied at the end of every term.

2025 Enrolment Information

Do you have a child turning 5 at the end of this year or in 2025?

If your child will be attending Long Bay Primary in 2025 we would like to know! This helps to plan ahead for future growth, employ teachers and form classes.
Please pre enrol now by following this link:


Please do not park on yellow lines or in marked cycle lanes. Along with Long Bay College we are working with Auckland Transport to ensure these areas are clear to allow traffic to flow more freely. If you choose to park in the wrong space it is highly likely you will receive a ticket or have your car towed away. We have taken these steps because we are highly concerned about the safety of our students.

New Classrooms

We are in!
Finally after a long wait, many visits from the Auckland Council and a lot of patience we have moved into our two new classrooms. While we wait for the grass to grow there will be some temporary fencing that will remain. We look forward to enjoying these new spaces, especially with our latest group of Year 0 students joining us in Room 4 on Monday.

Daffodil Day – Friday 30 August

Next Friday 30 August is Daffodil Day. We will be having a wear a splash of yellow mufti day – the brighter the better! Long Bay Primary is raising money for the Cancer Society, so we encourage students to support this day by bringing a gold coin donation.
Thank you in advance. :yellow_heart:
IMPORTANT – Rimu team is going on a school trip this day so they will need to wear their school uniform.

Sports Buzz – Term 3, Week 5

Sports Last Week
Wow, what a week last week! We had students out at the Junior Tough Guy/Girl Challenge on Tuesday, the Kristin Winter Sports Day on Wednesday and the Rippa Tournament on Thursday. Participants embraced these challenges with gusto, great sportsmanship and a lot of enthusiasm. Many thanks to all the wonderful supporters who made it possible for our students to be involved in these events.

Auckland Kids Marathon
We are well underway on our quest to run a marathon – bring on Sunday 3 November, we will be ready!

Sustainability Challenge 2024
On Friday 15 November the Sustainability Challenge 2024 will be held at Wenderholm Regional Park. Each race is for teams of four Year 5 & 6 students who will compete in a two hour event, which includes a mix of running/walking, navigation and sustainability based activities. Teams navigate to as many checkpoints as they can, collecting points for each checkpoint visited.

This event aims to help students:

  • Foster a sense of kaitiakitanga for our Auckland regional parks, raise awareness of how special they are, the threats posed to them and how students can make a difference by taking positive action for the environment.
  • Work together as a team
  • Enjoy and value the ecological sustainability of our regional parks.

At this point we are looking for students who are interested in participating to form four person teams. EACH 4 PERSON TEAM WILL NEED AN ADULT TO SHADOW THE TEAM. We cannot enter teams without an adult nominated to shadow that team. 

Please email Nikki Douglas – if you would like to register your child’s interest. Please include who they would like in their team, and who will be the designated adult for the team.

Yummy School Stickers
Earn FREE sports gear for the school by collecting Yummy Stickers – sheets are available from the Office. Collect your stickers, add them to the sheet and happy munching! Sticker sheets need to be submitted before the end of Term 3.


LBP Fun Run – Online Fundraiser

The Fun Run is back! Friday 13 September. Please click on this link for further information on the Fun Run and how to set up a fundraising page.
Photos below are from last year’s Fun Run. Great fun was had by all!
Any Fun Run enquiries, please contact

PTA News

Get in quick! Only three tables available and five tickets left for the parents tables so if you’d like to come on your own or with a friend/partner please email

Kelly Club Notices

Please email Kelly Club at to register and/or make a booking.

Community Notices and Events

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