LBP Newsletter – Term 3, Week 3

Long Bay Primary
School Newsletter

Term 3, Week 3 – Friday 9 August 2024

Principal’s Chat

Kia ora Parents/Caregivers

Some people tend to store things ‘for the future’. I might be one of those people, if you see something that could be helpful one day you always manage to find a place to store it just in case. There is no doubt I acquired this skill from my father who has a spectacular ‘useful piece of wood’ collection.

The other thing that people often accumulate is useful (or useless) pieces of information. There is no doubt that I have some of that stored away as well. 

Sir Richard Hadlee took 9 for 52 at the Gabba in 1988, but who took the 10th wicket? 

This sort of information is invaluable when it comes to attending your local quiz night, or amazing your friends or family with your outstanding general knowledge. You just never know when the facts you have accumulated will come in handy.

The Long Bay PTA are hosting a Quiz Night in the school hall on Saturday 24 August starting at 7:30pm. This will be a serious event – the olympics of quizzing with 10 rounds of dynamic questions, and hopefully some about sport. 

You have to be there to bid on the live and silent auctions and there is one prize that stands out above all others – a trip from home to school in a fire engine with the lights on. Literally my ultimate dream school arrival. Stand by because the bidding on that will be fierce.

Thank you to the PTA for hosting this event for us. It is a chance to meet new people, get away for the evening with your friends, and show off your useful/useless knowledge bank. If you have not yet done so please go to the Kindo Shop and reserve a seat or a table, they are limited and you will not regret it.

I know you have made it this far just to find the answer to Sir Richard Hadlee. Geoff Lawson caught Hadlee, bowled Vaughan Brown for 8. This was Vaughan Brown’s only test wicket and it cost Sir Richard Hadlee the chance at taking all 10 wickets. It still brings a tear to my eye.

Rob Hutton

2024 Term Dates and What’s On

14 August

Student Led Conferences from 1.00pm to 6.30pm

15 August

Cohort Entry School Visit 1

20 August

Cohort Entry School Visit 2

20 August

Hearing and Vision Testing onsite, for selected students

23 August

Year 6 Visit to Northcross Intermediate

24 August

PTA Quiz Night in the hall at 7.00pm

Key Dates for Term 3 can be found here.

Welcome New Students

A warm welcome to our new students who have started at Long Bay Primary since our last newsletter:

Doris, Christina, Celine, Holly, Milky, Coco, Anna and Ella

Important School Reminders – Please Read

Adventure Playground Before and After School

A reminder that students must be actively supervised by an adult at all times when playing on the playground before and after school. We do not have the staff to supervise this space at these times.

Absences and Lateness

If your child/children is going to be late or absent from school, then you must let the Office and class teacher know.

Absences/lateness can be reported by calling the school on 09 473 6077, select option 1. Emailing the class teacher and or through the school website ‘Report an Absence’.

All absences from school must have a reason so your child/children can be coded accordingly on their student record. Thank you for your co-operation.

Contact Details

If your personal contact or emergency contact details need updating, please email It is very important that we have correct details on our student records.

Wrapper Free School

Lost Property
Please check the Lost Property box, located at the hall entrance, for any missing items. The box will be emptied at the end of every term.

Student Led Conferences – Wednesday 14 August

Student led conferences give the opportunity for the students to be in charge of their own learning, to share with their parents what they want to share and for the parents to get an idea about what they can do at school.

Further key information about the day can be found here – please read it!

Conferences take place from 1.00pm to 6.30pm and will run for 30 mins in a group session environment. They will take place in the classroom. 

To book your student led conference please go to and enter in the code: n7y8k
Bookings close Tuesday 13 August at 5.00pm

School will close at 12.30pm on 14 August and student supervision in the hall will be available until 2.55pm. Please complete this form if you require your child/children to be supervised until 2.55pm. Siblings attending conferences after this time can be supervised in the Library. 

School buses will run at the normal time and there will be no lunch orders that day.

2025 Enrolment Information

Do you have a child turning 5 at the end of this year or in 2025?

If your child will be attending Long Bay Primary in 2025 we would like to know! This helps to plan ahead for future growth, employ teachers and form classes.
Please pre enrol now by following this link:

Sports Buzz – Term 3, Week 3


Last Thursday Long Bay Primary was represented by 50 students who ran, kicked, cheered and thoroughly enjoyed themselves. While there were no official scores kept or overall winners each of our teams knew exactly how well they did. It was particularly pleasing to see the number of girls who participated, and did themselves proud. Unfortunately we were overwhelmed with the number of players who wanted to participate and we could have fielded at least two more teams had we been allowed to.

To follow on from the popularity of the day we are running a Football Tournament here at Long Bay Primary. Our Year 3 to 6 students will be able to choose their own teams of five players and participate with their friends. More information will be shared with the students next week along with sign up information.

Auckland Kids Marathon
Our first training session commenced this week on the quest to run a marathon. Our group of 28 intrepid runners have finished the first 3km of their mission to run 42.2km by Sunday 3 November.

Yummy School Stickers
Earn FREE sports gear for the school by collecting Yummy Stickers – sheets are available from the Office. Collect your stickers, add them to the sheet and happy munching! Sticker sheets need to be submitted before the end of Term 3.


PTA News

Kelly Club Notices

Please email Kelly Club at to register and/or make a booking.

Community Notices and Events

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