LBP Newsletter – Term 3, Week 1

Long Bay Primary
School Newsletter

Term 3, Week 1 – Friday 26 July 2024

Principal’s Chat

Kia ora Parents/Caregivers

My first bike was red, seemed to go really fast and had pedal brakes. That is about all I remember, however the next one was brown and I went up in the world with three gears. Being able to ride a bike was a skill that gave instant results – you either kept upright, or didn’t and it was great fun.

Over the last four days representatives from Harbour Sport and our Year 5 and 6 students have been participating in the Bike Ready programme. Special thanks to Auckland Transport for funding this wonderful initiative. It involves an assessment of cycling ability and confidence and then several hours of practical skill based activities to push our students through to the next level of bike handling. They get the skills and experience to bike for life. The next time we run this programme we will attempt to do so in a summer term which will give our more experienced riders the opportunity to try some of the challenging terrain that our school environment offers. Between being able to ride a bike and learning to swim we have a couple of the key life skills covered.

While it is not quite Le Tour de France (although that has certainly been a great watch over the last three weeks) I am quietly confident that we may have unearthed a couple of potential olympic cyclists who will be ready for action in 2036 at the Olympics in either Indonesia, Turkey, India, Chile or Qatar. Over the next few weeks hopefully some New Zealand sporting stars will confirm their brilliance and some new ones will be discovered as well. 

My own cycling ‘career’ reached its peak sometime before my son learned to walk. Mountain biking at Woodhill was a great deal of fun, although to be fair I am pretty certain I was one of the slowest and most careful people there. 

Rob Hutton

2024 Term Dates and What’s On

29 July-9 August

Lateness in Schools Study Survey

30 July

PTA Meeting, 7.00pm in the staffroom. All welcome

6 August

Tough Guy/Tough Gal Challenge (for registered students)

7 August

Kristin Winter Sports Day (for selected students)

8 August

Rippa Rugby Tournament 2 (for selected students)

14 August

Student Led Conferences from 1.00pm to 6.30pm

15 August

Cohort Entry School Visit 1

Key Dates for Term 3 can be found here.

Welcome New Students

A warm welcome to our new students who have started at Long Bay Primary since our last newsletter:

Clark, Benjamin, Mason, Jayden, Jack, Ryan and Eva

Important School Reminders – Please Read

Adventure Playground Before and After School

A reminder that students must be actively supervised by an adult at all times when playing on the playground before and after school. We do not have the staff to supervise this space at these times.

Absences and Lateness

If your child/children is going to be late or absent from school, then you must let the Office and class teacher know.

Absences/lateness can be reported by calling the school on 09 473 6077, select option 1. Emailing the class teacher and or through the school website ‘Report an Absence’.

All absences from school must have a reason so your child/children can be coded accordingly on their student record. Thank you for your co-operation.

Contact Details

If your personal contact or emergency contact details need updating, please email It is very important that we have correct details on our student records.

Wrapper Free School

Lost Property
Please check the Lost Property box, located at the hall entrance, for any missing items. The box will be emptied at the end of every term.

Student Led Conferences – Wednesday 14 August

Student led conferences give the opportunity for the students to be in charge of their own learning, to share with their parents what they want to share and for the parents to get an idea about what they can do at school.

Further key information about the day can be found here – please read it!

Conferences take place from 1.00pm to 6.30pm and will run for 30 mins in a group session environment. They will take place in the classroom. 

To book your student led conference please go to and enter in the code: n7y8k

School will close at 12.30pm on 14 August and student supervision in the hall will be available until 2.55pm. Please complete this form if you require your child/children to be supervised until 2.55pm. Siblings attending conferences after this time can be supervised in the Library. 

School buses will run at the normal time and there will be no lunch orders that day.

Lateness in Schools Study Survey – 29 July to 9 August

Long Bay Primary will be participating in the Lateness in Schools Study Survey beginning on Monday 29 July and ending on Friday 9 August. Staff members will be at the school gate handing out late passes and collecting lateness data for the survey. The survey is anonymous.

Teacher Only Day – Tuesday 29 October

We can now confirm that we will be having a Teacher Only Day on Tuesday 29 October, following on from Labour Day public holiday. This Teacher Only Day will coincide with other local schools and is mandated by the Ministry of Education as part of the roll out of the revised New Zealand Curriculum.

2025 Enrolment Information

Do you have a child turning 5 at the end of this year or in 2025?

If your child will be attending Long Bay Primary in 2025 we would like to know! This helps to plan ahead for future growth, employ teachers and form classes.
Please pre enrol now by following this link:

Job Vacancy – Long Bay Primary Property Manager Position

After 11 dedicated years of looking after Long Bay Primary’s grounds, gardens, maintenance, building projects and so much more(!) John Underwood is hanging up the tool belt at the end of Term 3. The search is currently underway to find our next Property Manager. We have placed an advertisement on Seek. If you know someone who has the skills and temperament to do an outstanding job please pass on the job advertisement to them. This position closes on Monday 5 August.

Sports Buzz – Term 3, Week 1

Junior Tough Guy and Gal Competition
We will be participating on Tuesday 6 August at Kumeu. We are attending as a school group which means the school will organise the race number. Please write Long Bay Primary School. If you have registered your child to participate in the competition, can you please let Mrs Douglas know at

To enter your child(ren) online please use the Online Entry Process

Please follow these steps to enter:

  1. It is VERY IMPORTANT that the parents select the CORRECT ENTRY, DATE & VENUE for their child
  2. If their kids are not attending as a School Group, they must select “I THE PARENT will pick up the race number”.
  3. If their kids are attending as a School Group, they must select THE TEACHER WILL PICK UP THE RACE NUMBER when they come to the Bib Collection question
  4. Please write the School Name in FULL (i.e. Long Bay Primary School not LBP)
  5. Here is the Online Registration Link:

If you have followed the steps above we will be able to link all the entrants together and have everything ready to be collected from the event registration on the day.

Auckland Kids Marathon
Have you ever run a marathon? Would you like to give it a go? The Auckland Kids Marathon is run in conjunction with the Auckland Marathon on Sunday 3 November. Kids run the last 2.2km on the day, cross the official finish line and receive a medal.

The key information about the Kids Marathon can be found here.

We have created a Long Bay Primary School team. School runs will start on the week of August 7. There will be three 1km runs each week at lunchtimes. The planned schedule to run our 40km before the big day can be found hereThere is a cost to enter. If your child would like to participate please click here to enter. Make sure you join our team “Long Bay Primary School” as part of the registration process. 

Yummy School Stickers
Earn FREE sports gear for the school by collecting Yummy Stickers – sheets are available from the Office. Collect your stickers, add them to the sheet and happy munching! Sticker sheets need to be submitted before 22 October.


PTA News

Kelly Club Notices

Please email Kelly Club at to register and/or make a booking.

Community Notices and Events

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Ralph Eagles Place Long Bay Auckland 0630